
health_azure.aggregate_hyperdrive_metrics(child_run_arg_name, run_id=None, run=None, keep_metrics=None, aml_workspace=None, workspace_config_path=None)[source]

For a given HyperDriveRun object, or id of a HyperDriveRun, retrieves the metrics from each of its children and then aggregates it. Optionally filters the metrics logged in the Run, by providing a list of metrics to keep. Returns a DataFrame where each column is one child run, and each row is a metric logged by that child run. For example, for a HyperDrive run with 2 children, where each logs epoch, accuracy and loss, the result would look like:

|              | 0               | 1                  |
| epoch        | [1, 2, 3]       | [1, 2, 3]          |
| accuracy     | [0.7, 0.8, 0.9] | [0.71, 0.82, 0.91] |
| loss         | [0.5, 0.4, 0.3] | [0.45, 0.37, 0.29] |

here each column is one of the splits/ child runs, and each row is one of the metrics you have logged to the run.

It is possible to log rows and tables in Azure ML by calling run.log_table and run.log_row respectively. In this case, the DataFrame will contain a Dictionary entry instead of a list, where the keys are the table columns (or keywords provided to log_row), and the values are the table values. E.g.:

|                | 0                                        | 1                                         |
| accuracy_table |{'epoch': [1, 2], 'accuracy': [0.7, 0.8]} | {'epoch': [1, 2], 'accuracy': [0.8, 0.9]} |

It is also possible to log plots in Azure ML by calling run.log_image and passing in a matplotlib plot. In this case, the DataFrame will contain a string representing the path to the artifact that is generated by AML (the saved plot in the Logs & Outputs pane of your run on the AML portal). E.g.:

|                | 0                                       | 1                                     |
| accuracy_plot  | aml://artifactId/ExperimentRun/dcid.... | aml://artifactId/ExperimentRun/dcid...|
  • child_run_arg_name (str) – the name of the argument given to each child run to denote its position relative to other child runs (e.g. this arg could equal ‘child_run_index’ - then each of your child runs should expect to receive the arg ‘–child_run_index’ with a value <= the total number of child runs)

  • run (Optional[Run]) – An Azure ML HyperDriveRun object to aggregate the metrics from. Either this or run_id must be provided

  • run_id (Optional[str]) – The id (type: str) of a parent/ HyperDrive run. Either this or run must be provided.

  • keep_metrics (Optional[List[str]]) – An optional list of metric names to filter the returned metrics by

  • aml_workspace (Optional[Workspace]) – If run_id is provided, this is an optional AML Workspace object to retrieve the Run from

  • workspace_config_path (Optional[Path]) – If run_id is provided, this is an optional path to a config containing details of the AML Workspace object to retrieve the Run from.

Return type



A Pandas DataFrame containing the aggregated metrics from each child run