Source code for health_multimodal.image.model.encoder

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#  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Generator, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from health_multimodal.common.device import get_module_device
from timm.models.layers import trunc_normal_

from .resnet import resnet18, resnet50
from .transformer import VisionTransformerPooler
from .types import ImageEncoderType

ImageEncoderOutputType = Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]

[docs]class ImageEncoder(nn.Module): """Image encoder trunk module for the ``ImageModel`` class. :param img_encoder_type : Type of image encoder model to use, either ``"resnet18_multi_image"`` or ``"resnet50_multi_image"``. """ def __init__(self, img_encoder_type: str): super().__init__() self.img_encoder_type = img_encoder_type self.encoder = self._create_encoder() def _create_encoder(self, **kwargs: Any) -> nn.Module: if self.img_encoder_type in [ImageEncoderType.RESNET18, ImageEncoderType.RESNET18_MULTI_IMAGE]: encoder_class = resnet18 elif self.img_encoder_type in [ImageEncoderType.RESNET50, ImageEncoderType.RESNET50_MULTI_IMAGE]: encoder_class = resnet50 else: supported = ImageEncoderType.get_members(multi_image_encoders_only=False) raise NotImplementedError(f"Image encoder type \"{self.img_encoder_type}\" must be in {supported}") encoder = encoder_class(pretrained=False, **kwargs) return encoder
[docs] def forward(self, current_image: torch.Tensor, return_patch_embeddings: bool = False) -> ImageEncoderOutputType: """Get image global and patch embeddings""" patch_emb = self.encoder(current_image) avg_pooled_emb = torch.flatten(torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(patch_emb, (1, 1)), 1) if return_patch_embeddings: return patch_emb, avg_pooled_emb return avg_pooled_emb
[docs] def reload_encoder_with_dilation(self, replace_stride_with_dilation: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None) -> None: """Workaround for enabling dilated convolutions after model initialization. :param replace_stride_with_dilation: Replace the 2x2 standard convolution stride with a dilated convolution in each layer in the last three blocks of ResNet architecture. """ if self.img_encoder_type == ImageEncoderType.RESNET18: # resnet18 uses BasicBlock implementation, which does not support dilated convolutions. raise NotImplementedError("resnet18 does not support dilated convolutions") if replace_stride_with_dilation is None: replace_stride_with_dilation = DEFAULT_DILATION_VALUES_FOR_RESNET device = next(self.encoder.parameters()).device new_encoder = self._create_encoder(replace_stride_with_dilation=replace_stride_with_dilation).to(device) if new_encoder.train() else: new_encoder.eval() new_encoder.load_state_dict(self.encoder.state_dict()) self.encoder = new_encoder
[docs]class MultiImageEncoder(ImageEncoder): """Multi-image encoder trunk module for the ``ImageModel`` class. It can be used to encode multiple images into combined latent representation. Currently it only supports two input images but can be extended to support more in future. :param img_encoder_type: Type of image encoder model to use: either ``"resnet18"`` or ``"resnet50"``. """ def __init__(self, img_encoder_type: str): super().__init__(img_encoder_type) output_dim = 256 # The aggregate feature dim of the encoder is `2 * output_dim` i.e. [f_static, f_diff] grid_shape = (14, 14) # Spatial dimensions of patch grid. backbone_output_feature_dim = get_encoder_output_dim(self.encoder, device=get_module_device(self)) self.backbone_to_vit = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=backbone_output_feature_dim, out_channels=output_dim, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, ) self.vit_pooler = VisionTransformerPooler(input_dim=output_dim, grid_shape=grid_shape) # Missing image embedding self.missing_previous_emb = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, output_dim, 1, 1)) trunc_normal_(self.missing_previous_emb, std=0.02)
[docs] def forward( # type: ignore[override] self, current_image: torch.Tensor, previous_image: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, return_patch_embeddings: bool = False, ) -> ImageEncoderOutputType: batch_size = current_image.shape[0] if previous_image is not None: assert current_image.shape == previous_image.shape x =[current_image, previous_image], dim=0) x = super().forward(x, return_patch_embeddings=True)[0] x = self.backbone_to_vit(x) patch_x, patch_x_previous = x[:batch_size], x[batch_size:] diff_x = self.vit_pooler(current_image=patch_x, previous_image=patch_x_previous) else: x = super().forward(current_image, return_patch_embeddings=True)[0] patch_x = self.backbone_to_vit(x) B, _, W, H = patch_x.shape diff_x = self.missing_previous_emb.repeat(B, 1, W, H) patch_fused =[patch_x, diff_x], dim=1) avg_pooled_emb = torch.flatten(torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(patch_fused, (1, 1)), 1) if return_patch_embeddings: return patch_fused, avg_pooled_emb return avg_pooled_emb
[docs] def reload_encoder_with_dilation(self, replace_stride_with_dilation: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@torch.no_grad() def get_encoder_output_dim(module: torch.nn.Module, device: torch.device) -> int: """Calculate the output dimension of an encoder by making a single forward pass. :param module: Encoder module. :param device: Compute device to use. """ # Target device assert isinstance(device, torch.device) x = torch.rand((1, 3, 448, 448)).to(device) # Extract the number of output feature dimensions with restore_training_mode(module): module.eval() representations = module(x) return representations.shape[1]
[docs]@contextmanager def restore_training_mode(module: nn.Module) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Restore the training mode of a module after some operation. :param module: PyTorch module. """ training_mode = yield module.train(mode=training_mode)
[docs]def get_encoder_from_type(img_encoder_type: str) -> ImageEncoder: """Returns the encoder class for the given encoder type. :param img_encoder_type: Encoder type. {RESNET18, RESNET50, RESNET18_MULTI_IMAGE, RESNET50_MULTI_IMAGE} """ if img_encoder_type in ImageEncoderType.get_members(multi_image_encoders_only=True): return MultiImageEncoder(img_encoder_type=img_encoder_type) else: return ImageEncoder(img_encoder_type=img_encoder_type)