Source code for

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from typing import Callable, Sequence, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torchvision.transforms import Compose, Resize, ToTensor, CenterCrop

[docs]class ExpandChannels: """ Transforms an image with one channel to an image with three channels by copying pixel intensities of the image along the 1st dimension. """ def __call__(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ :param data: Tensor of shape [1, H, W]. :return: Tensor with channel copied three times, shape [3, H, W]. """ if data.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected input of shape [1, H, W], found {data.shape}") return torch.repeat_interleave(data, 3, dim=0)
[docs]def create_chest_xray_transform_for_inference(resize: int, center_crop_size: int) -> Compose: """ Defines the image transformation pipeline for Chest-Xray datasets. :param resize: The size to resize the image to. Linear resampling is used. Resizing is applied on the axis with smaller shape. :param center_crop_size: The size to center crop the image to. Square crop is applied. """ transforms = [Resize(resize), CenterCrop(center_crop_size), ToTensor(), ExpandChannels()] return Compose(transforms)
[docs]def infer_resize_params(val_img_transforms: Sequence[Callable]) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]: """ Given the validation transforms pipeline, extract the sizes to which the image was resized and cropped, if any. """ resize_size_from_transforms = None crop_size_from_transforms = None supported_types = Resize, CenterCrop, ToTensor, ExpandChannels for transform in val_img_transforms: trsf_type = type(transform) if trsf_type not in supported_types: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported transform type {trsf_type}. Supported types are {supported_types}") if isinstance(transform, Resize): if resize_size_from_transforms is None and crop_size_from_transforms is None: assert transform.max_size is None assert isinstance(transform.size, int), f"Expected int, got {transform.size}" resize_size_from_transforms = transform.size else: raise ValueError("Expected Resize to be the first transform if present in val_img_transforms") elif isinstance(transform, CenterCrop): if crop_size_from_transforms is None: two_dims = len(transform.size) == 2 same_sizes = transform.size[0] == transform.size[1] is_square = two_dims and same_sizes assert is_square, "Only square center crop supported" crop_size_from_transforms = transform.size[0] else: raise ValueError( f"Crop size has already been set to {crop_size_from_transforms} in a previous transform" ) return resize_size_from_transforms, crop_size_from_transforms