Hyperparameter Search via Hyperdrive

HyperDrive runs can start multiple AzureML jobs in parallel. This can be used for tuning hyperparameters, or executing multiple training runs for cross validation. To use that with the hi-ml package, simply supply a HyperDrive configuration object as an additional argument. Note that this object needs to be created with an empty run_config argument (this will later be replaced with the correct run_config that submits your script.)

The example below shows a hyperparameter search that aims to minimize the validation loss val_loss, by choosing one of three possible values for the learning rate commandline argument learning_rate.

from azureml.core import ScriptRunConfig
from azureml.train.hyperdrive import GridParameterSampling, HyperDriveConfig, PrimaryMetricGoal, choice
from health.azure.himl import submit_to_azure_if_needed
hyperdrive_config = HyperDriveConfig(
                    "learning_rate": choice([0.1, 0.01, 0.001])
submit_to_azure_if_needed(..., hyperdrive_config=hyperdrive_config)

For further examples, please check the example scripts here, and the HyperDrive documentation.