health.azure Package


fetch_run(workspace, run_recovery_id)

Finds an existing run in an experiment, based on a recovery ID that contains the experiment ID and the actual RunId.


Sets the environment variables that PyTorch Lightning needs for multi-node training.


Splits a run ID into the experiment name and the actual run.

create_run_configuration(workspace, …[, …])

Creates an AzureML run configuration, that contains information about environment, multi node execution, and Docker.

create_script_run([snapshot_root_directory, …])

Creates an AzureML ScriptRunConfig object, that holds the information about the snapshot, the entry script, and its arguments.

get_workspace(aml_workspace, …)

Obtain the AzureML workspace from either the passed in value or the passed in path.

submit_run(workspace, experiment_name, …)

Starts an AzureML run on a given workspace, via the script_run_config.


Submit a folder to Azure, if needed and run it.


DatasetConfig(name[, datastore, version, …])

Contains information to use AzureML datasets as inputs or outputs.

AzureRunInfo(input_datasets, …)

This class stores all information that a script needs to run inside and outside of AzureML.