Commandline tools

Run TensorBoard

From the command line, run the command


specifying one of [--experiment] [--latest_run_file] [--run_recovery_ids] [--run_ids]

This will start a TensorBoard session, by default running on port 6006. To use an alternative port, specify this with --port.

If --experiment is provided, the most recent Run from this experiment will be visualised. If --latest_run_file is provided, the script will expect to find a RunId in this file. Alternatively you can specify the Runs to visualise via --run_recovery_ids or --run_ids.

By default, this tool expects that your TensorBoard logs live in a folder named ‘logs’ and will create a similarly named folder in your root directory. If your TensorBoard logs are stored elsewhere, you can specify this with the --log_dir argument.

If you choose to specify --experiment, you can also specify --num_runs to view and/or --tags to filter by.

If your AML config path is not ROOT_DIR/config.json, you must also specify --config_file.

To see an example of how to create TensorBoard logs using PyTorch on AML, see the AML submitting script which submits the following pytorch sample script. Note that to run this, you’ll need to create an environment with pytorch and tensorboard as dependencies, as a minimum. See an example conda environemnt. This will create an experiment named ‘tensorboard_test’ on your Workspace, with a single run. Go to outputs + logs -> outputs to see the tensorboard events file.

Download files from AML Runs

From the command line, run the command


specifying one of [--experiment] [--latest_run_file] [--run_recovery_ids] [--run_ids]

If --experiment is provided, the most recent Run from this experiment will be downloaded. If --latest_run_file is provided, the script will expect to find a RunId in this file. Alternatively you can specify the Run to download via --run_recovery_ids or --run_ids.

The files associated with your Run will be downloaded to the location specified with --output_dir (by default ROOT_DIR/outputs)

If you choose to specify --experiment, you can also specify --tags to filter by.

If your AML config path is not ROOT_DIR/config.json, you must also specify --config_file.